Lewis Hamilton Diet And Work Out Routine | Get Fit in 2024 | Check Out >>

By fun-meme.com Nov 19, 2023 | sunDAY

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Formula One drivers have this special diet and workout routine. Fun Fact :- Drivers of F1 have to maintain constant and specified weight, in order for maximum speed on track.

Fans know that Lewis follows complete vegan diet. Lewis during an interview in 2020 said that this helps him stay healtier.

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Hamilton includes Avocado, Beetroot, Fresh fruits, cereals and Falafel. He goes with smoothies for breakfast for plant based protein.

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Lunch includes plenty of veggies and avocados and dinner includes plant based curries. 

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Being in F1 does need the same amount of exercise just as any athlete. His exercise routine includes bench press, chest dips and such for Monday >>

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With rows workout and shoulders on Tuesday and Wednesday. Thursday for biceps and Friday for legs.

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Lewis Hamilton Diet And Work Out Routine | Get Fit in 2024

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