You’ve probably heard countless advice tips on how to get the perfect job, how to manage your work life, and more. But what do you really know about lauging that’s not total BS? If you’re like us (and so many of us are), you probably have some experience with the word “laughed at” or “laughter at work.” So much of what we do is rely on our sense of humor to make us feel better. Without it, we might as well be in a dark room with no lights and no noises other than our breath. But why do people try to make themselves fit for purpose just by being themselves? We understand that not all jokes are meant to be laughed out, and that’s fine. There are times when it helps to just keep going, even if the laughter is awkward at best and uncomfortable at worst. And sometimes it’s even necessary! Laughter can help us remember things better, show us who we are when we’re down, and most importantly—help us feel better! So here is everything you need to know about getting the little things right with lauging.
What is laughing?
When we’re particularly cute or funny, we’re often called upon to contribute to the larger social group, whether that’s in a workplace setting or in our own homes. And there are almost always some people in our communities who find us uniquely amusing.
But sometimes, we feel an urge to let our own humor shine, to use our own energy and energy drinks, or to let our sense of humor get a bit out of control. While this behavior is perfectly understandable when we’re in a mood for laugher, it’s not consistent with how a person’s self-esteem is developed.
For instance, a depressed person might think that anyone who’s not themselves would be incredibly annoying, or even think they have a smoking gun that they need to confess to their true self. But a happy person might think, “Geez, I guess I’m a laugher! I guess that makes me an exaggerator!”
What makes a good joke?
Laughter is a part of us. It’s what we do. Whether it’s in the form of a smile, a laugh, a belly laugh, or some other form, we all have a part to play in-jokes being told and jokes being told by others. Some forms of humor are meant to be kept in check, while others are more wild and intense. But all forms of humor are applicable to almost any job and can be used for pretty much anything. Here are a few tips for building off the energy you’re already getting from being in the middle of a conversation with a co-worker or manager.
- Don’t be afraid to say what’s on your mind. If you’re feeling a little lost, stressed, or in a mood for laugher, say so. It will make your co-worker or manager feel more comfortable talking to you, and help you get back to work.
- Don’t be afraid to say “no” to requests. This can help you regain your sense of self-esteem, while also helping you change your behavior so that you’re less likely to be popular with others—and more likely to actually do what they ask!
- Don’t be afraid to use your own energy. Your energy is what gives your body shape and form. It’s what gives you life. And your sense of humor is what gives you energy to push yourself to new levels of creativity and happiness.
Why laughter is healthy
As we’ve mentioned above, laughing helps us remember things better. It also helps us show us who we are when we’re down. Laughter can help you feel good and make you feel powerful. It can bring you joy, and can even help you feel optimistic and happy.
In fact, there is some research to suggest that laughing may be more effective in the long run than any other type of therapy. It’s been concluded that when people stop laughing, they’re more likely to try new things, become more open-minded, and have better self-esteem.
And when we’re having a lot of laugher, it’s very likely that we’re feeling a lot of different emotions. It may even be that we’re having a difficult time breathing! So, to make it less stressful, it’s Veterans Day, and you and I are going to get together for a little stress-busting activity.
Types of laughter to get the big things right
There are various types of laughter that can help you feel better.
- Laughter when You’re Older: This is the most basic kind of humor and can be found in many forms. It can help you feel old, confident, and grown up.
- Laughter at Work: Some of the most common types of workplace humor include the following:
- Laugh at Work: This is often triggered by something that your co-workers or manager has said or done.
- Laughter at Work Examples: To make this list a bit more manageable, here are a few examples of workplace humor that you may want to try out.
Examples of laughing
Let’s start with the most common types of laughing.
- Laughter at Work – during office hours
- Laughter at Work – on the phone, in public, etc.
- Laughter in the car – laughing with your friends
- Laughter in the shower – discussing what your favorite food is
- Laughter at Home – when you’re having a family event
How to get the little things right:
The science of laughing
- First, remember that laughing is not a one-size-fits-all kind of thing. It’s different for everyone, and depending on your mood and needs, one type of laughing may work better for you than another.
- So, whether you’re having a normal day at work, experiencing stress, or just want to get away from it all, there are a few things you can do to spark some lighthearted laughter in your workplace.
- First, find some sort ofractions that will make you laugh, and make you feel good, even if you’re not in a mood to feel awkward or uncomfortable. Some types of humor can be used in a variety of situations, so you can find one that works for you.
- Next, find some material that uses a variety of humor types to create a lighthearted, yet serious, read. This can include poetical responses to daily problems, silly sayings, or articles about different topics that you’d like to be read for fun.
- Finally, remember to write down what you’re laughing about, so that you can remember the experience and gain more energy to push yourself further. If you want to make it harder for yourself to do, try adding pressure or deadlines so that you have to do it better.
Show up on time and do what you’re supposed to do in your job. You know that from experience. Show up on time, do what you’re supposed to do in your job, and most importantly—Laugh at Work! Here are 8 tips for doing just that.